Irishtown Bend Vision
Cleveland, Ohio | Part of Cleveland Flats Connections Plan
CMG Landscape Architecture
Role: Senior Associate & Project Manager
The Cuyahoga River, famous for combusting throughout its industrial history, drains into Lake Erie through the Flats neighborhood. The river and its infrastructure have been historical barriers to riverfront access. The Flats Connections Plan is an open space and trail network that leverages the unique conditions of the Flats to revitalize its riverfront and connect to surrounding communities and the region. The Plan was awarded a 2019 ASLA National Honor Award for Analysis + Planning.
CMG and the project team worked with neighbors, local organizations, and city officials to incorporate their values and concerns into a vision for Irishtown Bend, a 34-acre vacant site and future open space anchor of the Flats Connections Plan. The vision for the park weaves together current and historic uses in a new riverfront park that will provide recreational and open space opportunities, connect Flats residents to their waterfront, and celebrate the site’s history, culture, and ecological potential. Plural is leading the ongoing design and implementation of the park.
Image attribution: CMG Landscape Architecture, with team members Scott Cataffa, Phoebe White, Alexandra Zahn, Nahal Sohbati
Project Information
LAND Studio
Port of Cleveland
Ohio City Inc.
CMG Landscape Architecture
Michael Baker International
34 acres
2019 National ASLA Honor Award for Analysis + Planning